Friday, October 31, 2008

Child Labor part 2

Child Labor is bad for children. If Child Labor ends I will let the children go to school instead of working. If we decided to take or continue on with the Child Labor I would say take away Child Labor because a lot of kids don't have education. If they say " continue on with child labor I wouldn't no what to do because the city decides weather or not to end this kid of problem."The best way to solve this problem is let the president decide because if the city votes the problem about that is that they might hate each other and kill each other. The worst problem who wouldn't like the child and parents is the people who buy or higher this people because they wouldn't like to pay them extra money for there family..... to be continue

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Stolen Laptop 2

When I got home I was looking for a hiding spot so I can hide the laptop. When my brother called me I was wondering what happened.. When I got to the room, I was asked to call mom to ask her to buy McDonald. I called. The next day it went by because no one found the computer because they didn't go to my fathers bedroom beside me. When I got in my fathers bedroom I was taking out the laptop. Then my father came home, so I just hid the computer again. My father didn't wondering because he came in the bedroom late. Later on the week I was playing on the laptop. The week coming up I doped off the computer on the streets. Some Berger's picked it up. Then my teach teacher found it. Then he brang the computer back to school. Then he said to the students "I found the computer that was stolen." The things like the number was ripped off the computer. The day on I never herd of someone stole a laptop."To be continue....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The day I stole a Mac laptop

The day I stole a Macbook started on a day that I had tech class.....When I was in tech I was talking to my friends and Mr. Lahana screamed at me for talking to them and disrupting class while he was explaining something. I got sent outside for the whole class period and I went to the gym. It was Friday, last period. I waited and waited for class to finish because when class ended I would go steal a laptop from the school. When class was over and people started leaving I would wait till everyone was talking or having a fight then I would go steal a computer. Time past until it was time for me to go in and steal because people started to fight and teachers would come in to stop the fight. Then I got nervous for the time on. I started to go in teach, I started to take a computer, when I got out of school I would rip the things that were on the computer and bring it home. When I got home my brother didn't notice that I brought home a laptop. I knew that when mom and dad came home I would have to hide the laptop from be continued....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Learning about migrant and labor child

My day wold be bad because we children have to go on the grain and farm. I would rather sleep till 12 noon because it would be best to eat lunch instead of dinner.
The work I would do is farm the grains and collect the grains off the farm. The other thing I would do is to wake up early and go to the market and sell things.
It is mad crazy waking up so early and going to the *** store and making ****** 2 dollars in 1 hour.
I don't go to school because I have to earn money form the people that buy food from me. The other thing is that we have to walk 3miles in order to go to the store and sell.
The only thing I worry about is that I don't go to school and if I don't have enough education and I won't have a job like until I am like 12 year old.
My parents let me work because they don't have enough money to let me go to school and also when I was little I was a naughty.The only thing we could could do is to let my brother go to school and when he find a job I go to school.
If I could change my life I would change it differently by looking for a job or look fr a part-time job and I would hand in the money for the school so I could go to school and the other way is have a teacher come to my hose to teach me.
Others should help if they want to if they don't to help it is fine with me because the thing is that they have to help others. if they want to help others the thing they could do is to buy books for the person they help and they should help us is because when they have problems we could help them back.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Name of sport: Judo
How do you play this sport: you play this sport with a 98(2m)and a (1m. 98 is the lenght and 1m width of the platform and the withe of the outer platform is 14m. The danger zone is 1m wide and the security zone is 3m long. When u fight against a player u have to be 4m wide. Your bet has to be 3m.The rules of judo is that when the referees say hajime the combat starts. When the other player is on the danger zone the referee says ” Matte” When you throw the opponent, you control the force. When you hold the mat for 25sec. The other 2 interesting fact is that the people that play judo is that you could fight people that are better than you., so you could test out your skills that o learner over the years(of coyres you cold lose to that person because they are proness.) The other interesting fact is that you could fight with your friends that are the same level as you, to see if they are better than you, equal to you, or they are weaker than you.